14th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference


Pictures from previous conferences



The conference covers all aspects of proteomics: applications, fundamentals, technical developments and instrumentation; and provides an interdisciplinary approach involving chemistry, biology, medicine and bioinformatics.

Based on experience in previous years we expect about 120-150 participants from all over Europe, but also from other continents. The number of participants is limited to 150, so please register early! Beside lectures there will be plenty of time for lively discussions - which we believe an essential part of a scientific meeting.

Research Centre for Natural Sciences Magyar Tudósok krt 2, Budapest, Hungary

The conference is organized by the
- MS Proteomics Group, Research Centre for Natural Sciences
- Working Comittee on Separation Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Technical Assistance: Omnimed Etosz Bt

There is NO registration fee for scientists!

Organizing committee:
László Drahos (chairman), Károly Vékey (co-chairman), András Ács, Fanni Bugyi, Ágnes Gömöry, Bence Pecsenye, Ágnes Révész, Simon Sugár, Gábor Tóth, Lilla Turiák